Drones (Also see under FAA)
What’s required:
Apply for a film/photo permit at
If you are taking off from private property in unincorporated Miami-Dade County and are in G airspace and flying under 400 feet, no County Film permit is required
◊ If you are taking off from any Public property you will need a
◊ Each jurisdiction has different rules for Drones
◊ Fill out a UAS FAA drone form
◊ Pilot/ operator license
◊ Pilot/ operator insurance to our same specifications,
naming Miami-Dade County as additional insured
for at least $1 million in General Liability.
◊ Proof of UAS registration with the FAA and
manufacturer detail showing weight of UAS to be
less than 55 lbs.
◊ Date, times of each UAS filming use
◊ A map showing the flight path/ vector of use for the
UAS filming, the height from the ground, projected
speed and where drone operator will be stationed.
◊ The area of use must be free and clear of all general
public during any UAS filming uses.
◊ Only cast and crew hired by the production are
allowed within the designated area.
◊ Creating a smaller circumference of area use to
lessen police need and control.
◊ Requires production hiring Miami-Dade Off-Duty
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